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Submission Guidelines

notes on the submission process

  • Include your name, contact info, and the story title in the RTF submission.

  • Include a word-count in the body of the email.

  • pseudoSF prefers stories written in the third person, past tense: They went to the exit; not: We go to the exit.

  • Stories written in the first person are acceptable, but more difficult to get right.

  • pseudoSF prefers stories about 5,000 words long, give or take.

  • pseudoSF pays $20 per story, regardless of length; except in cases where the writer has responded to an advertised rate. Please specificy.

  • $20 per story is not a professional rate, we know. When Bill Gates stops by our page and donates us a cool million, the first thing we'll do is change the pay scale. Until then, we are proud to offer free reading of the best hackneyed, pulp sci-fi stories we can get for 20 smacks a pop.

  • pseudoSF prefers stories without an important social message, but tolerates such messages in the case of an entertaining story.

  • Stories containing one or more cheap thrills are a sure sell.

  • On certain kinds of cheap thrills: not in front of the children. But by all means, send such stories to our editors.